Healthy Eating Simplified-What to Eat When

Do you feel there’s a plethora of information about what to eat or not?

#Keto#Paleo#Mediterranean#Detox -No idea who to believe and what really works?

Sick of trendy Nutrition Buzzwords?

Then this one is for you!

As avid readers of my blogs, I’m sure you’ve noticed that off late I’ve been slowly advocating to stay connected with your roots. Our Ancient food wisdom stands practical and perfectly complement  modern day health. Let’s follow our roots to end all confusion. Starting with focus on vital principle of Ayurveda which is ‘nourishing your prana’.

Ayurveda teaches us that there is energy in everything. This energy, called prana, or vital life force, exists everywhere. Everything that we eat is food for our souls. Nutrition lies at the centre of our life-force (prana) – which brings us vitality and health. Thus, when you eat, you are not simply ‘filling the tank’, you are creating prana. You are creating vital energy, which will give you joy to carry with you throughout your day.

Therefore, the foods we choose to eat are of paramount importance. Food should never be referred to as just ‘calories’. Rather eating is a sacred act which energises your body and heals you from within.

How to Incorporate more ‘prana’ in your food:

Eat More Plants

The plant kingdom is a wonderful source of prana. Plants are fantastic “condensers” of the prana of the sun and the earth. The more plants you eat, the more prana you’re getting. It’s that simple.Try to consume green leafy veggies once/day.

Include Raw

Try and eat some plant-based food raw  because it’s one of the best ways to retain a high level of prana. It can be in form of  fruit smoothie, veggie juice or salad, the way you prefer.

Source Fresh Foods

Procure organic or home-grown foods as much as possible. Shop more from local farmer’s markets rather than supermarkets.

Eat Mindfully

Make Lunch your biggest meal. One of the most important concepts in Ayurveda is ‘Agni’ or digestive fire in the body. Maintaining this ‘fire’ is key to good health. The idea for having a sumptuous lunch is that the digestive fire, like the sun is at its strongest at this time of the day and is at its optimum to digest a large meal. The “Agni” slows down later being minimum at the dusk. Hence comes the recommendation for light dinner.

Follow nature

Eat seasonal foods in abundance. Seasonal produce is not only fresher and cheaper but also has lot more prana than its non seasonal counterparts.It hence supports body’s natural nutrition needs.

Eat whole foods

Whole and simply cooked foods are more sattvic than overly processed refined foods and fancy preparations. Go back to what our fore-fathers ate and move away from food in a bottle or packet. Yes doing away totally may not be possible in present day scenario. But planning and prioritising helps in cutting down such foods considerably.  Limit non-vegetarian ,fried foods,processed Foods,artificial sweeteners,sodas,canned foods,white flour to once or twice per week.

How can you help to purify and vitalize your energy?

The root cause of most diseases and conditions today stems from a weak digestive fire and a build-up of toxins throughout the body.  Among the major causes of these toxins, improper food combining is at the top of the list.

Over time, poor food combining leads to gas formation, indigestion, fermentation, disturbed metabolism, and emotional imbalance, but eventually if prolonged this practice creates cellular confusion causing disorder and disease.

Why does this happen?

Firstly, different foods take varying times to digest.

Most foods generally take 4-6 hours for complete digestion.  However, some foods such as fruit only take 30 minutes.  Therefore, if fruit is taken with other foods, their normal 30-minute digestion time is now lengthened to several hours, as it mixes with the heavier food types.

The fruit stays in the stomach longer than it is supposed to which results in indigestion and fermentation occurring in the gut.  This eventually weakens the overall digestion; causing gas, cramping and other unwanted symptoms.

Another reason is because each food type releases a different enzyme. Certain enzymes can be released together while others cannot.  For example, each type of protein (i.e. red meat, chicken, fish, pork, eggs, dairy) needs a unique enzyme for proper digestion.  Unfortunately, only one of these enzymes can be released at a time.  So, if you are consuming multiple protein types in one sitting, the proper enzymes needed to complete the digestive process are not all available.  This once again will lead to indigestion of food, which then leads to toxic build-up and eventually disorder and disease.

Avoid Improper Food Combinations

  1. Always eat fruit by itself

Eat fruit either 30 minutes prior to a meal, or at least 2 hours after a meal.  That means fruit is not a healthy dessert option, nor is it a side dish. Mid-morning or evenings are good times to eat fruit.

  1. Only eat one protein per meal

Try not to combine different proteins in one meal as it makes it difficult to digest. For. Eg. Avoid prawn in starters if main course is chicken. Make sure that each meal  contains only one protein type.

Chew your food properly-Chewing your food properly  helps in better digestion of food. Your intestines are able to absorb more nutrients from same food if you chew it properly.Most importantly it helps to maintain portion control and hence weight. Better grind with teeth to eat  without speed, greed or waste.

Eat at consistent times

Do you run your car without oil in its engine? No, Never! Remember your body too  is like a well-oiled machine which runs the whole day. You must nurture this machine by giving it right fuel (nutrition) at consistent intervals. The body then sets its own rhythm and works at optimum levels. Lack of consistency in eating leads to bloating, acidity, constipation and lack of Energy. Regulate your digestion, balance your emotions and keep yourself energized by eating at consistent times.

7-9 am: Breakfast

12-2 pm: Lunch (remember this should be the largest meal of the day)

6-8 pm Dinner

Last but not the least cook with love and gratitude, giving attention to freshness and hygiene. You are not just a “consumer” of prana; you’re also a “producer” of it. We’re all part of the life force that gives our physical bodies energy. So try to make cooking a type of mindful meditation. Consume with gratitude and awareness – food is your life force. Give it respect.

If you can master these, you’ll notice remarkable changes in your everyday life. Higher energy, less sick days, and more happiness are just a few of the benefits of increased prana.

You do not have to make all these changes overnight; rather  focus on one, get comfortable there and then add the others in, one at a time.

Good Luck!


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Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding your health,weight loss and nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556 / +32 468 29 79 49.

Science of Good Health:Eating Right the Bhagavad Gita Way

As a nutritionist, I come across various kinds of literature on nutrition, varied dietary patterns, eating behaviours, lifestyle modifications etc. Reflecting back, I conclude that most of this knowledge we already know, it’s been passed onto us from our mothers and grandmothers…it’s in our system but we’ve lost the thread somewhere!

We come from the land of Ayurveda, from the land of Krishna. Developed centuries ago, his knowledge as passed on in the Bhagavad Gita remains true even today.

To quote, “Yukaharaviharasya yuktachestasya karmasu. Yuktasvapnavabodhasya yoga bhavati duhkhaha”. (Bhagavad Gita chapter 6 shloka 17).

It means “the one, whose diet and movements are balanced, whose actions are proper., whose hours of sleeping and waking up are regular, and who follows the path of meditation, is the destroyer of pain or unhappiness.” 

Thus, if you read carefully, the Bhagavad Gita clearly explains how we can optimize our health and wellbeing through eating right, balanced sleep and exercise.

We are what we eat – the importance of eating right:

The origins of this sage advice come from ancient traditions which guided us on how to harmonize ourselves with the Greater Universe that exists within and around us.

As Krishna says in The Bhagavad-Gita 17 Chapter 8–10 Verse.

“Foods in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one’s existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such nourishing foods are sweet, juicy and palatable. Foods that are too bitter, too sour,too  salty, pungent, dry and hot, are liked by people in the modes of passion. Such foods cause pain, distress, and disease. Food cooked more than three hours before being eaten, which is tasteless, stale, putrid, decomposed and unclean, is food liked by people in the mode of ignorance.”

Thus, the food we eat not only nourishes our body but also affects our mind and emotions. As per scriptures, nature, which is a primary force of life is composed of three qualities called Gunas. These are Sattva (Tranquil or subtle energy), Rajas (Active energy) and Tamas (dull energy).

Like all things in the universe, the food we eat also has one or more of these qualities or energies that affect our mind, body and soul. Therefore, food is divided into Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic foods and each of these affect our mind, body and soul.

Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamsic Foods

Sattvic Foods

rasyāḥ snigdhāḥ sthirā hṛidyā āhārāḥ sāttvika-priyāḥ

(chapter 17, verse 8)

Satvic foods promotes longevity, virtue, strength, health, happiness, and joy are juicy, smooth, substantial, and nutritious. 

Sattvic food is always freshnatural (very less or no further processing on food), freshly cooked and lightly seasoned. It is a wholesome meal which consists of whole grains and legumes and fresh and organic vegetables and fruits.

Rajasic Foods

kaṭv-amla-lavaṇāty-uṣhṇa- tīkṣhṇa-rūkṣha-vidāhinaḥ
āhārā rājasasyeṣhṭā duḥkha-śhokāmaya-pradāḥ (chapter 17, verse 9)

Rajasic foods are those that are very bitter, sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry, and burning.

An excess of flavour defines Rajasic foods. Rajasic foods are irritants and stimulants. Any canned food (fruits, beans, vegetables) that are sweetened or salted are Rajasic. Also Bottled Fruit Juices and Fermented Foods are Rajasic in nature. All tempting foods come under the category of Rajasic food. This includes fish, meat, eggs, sharp spices and stimulants such as coffee, tea, chocolate etc

Tamasic Food

yāta-yāmaṁ gata-rasaṁ pūti paryuṣhitaṁ cha yat
uchchhiṣhṭam api chāmedhyaṁ bhojanaṁ tāmasa-priyam (chapter 17, verse 10)

The foods are stale, tasteless, putrid, rotten, refuses and impure.

This includes over-processedno longer fresh, and difficult to digest foods. It also includes food that is prepared unconsciously or with the distracted mind. Examples include French fries, pickles, preserved meats, hard liquor etc.

All 3 of these qualities (Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic) are necessary for survival and to move in a progressive direction in life.

Sattvic mind has a calm, clear, creative thinking that allows it to easily find effective solutions to life’s problems. Then we need a little bit of Rajas to implement these creative ideas and solutions. A little bit of Tamas is required to bring these activities to an end when the problem is actually been solved.

How to Balance Your Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic Diet:

The base of our diet should always be Sattvic. As mentioned above, the majority of your diet should consist of fresh or freshly prepared grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, milk, ghee (clarified butter), cold pressed oils and natural sweeteners (Honey, Jaggery).

We need just a small amount of Rajasic foods to stimulate creativity and Tamasic food can be helpful when an excess of Rajas is present to bring the stability.

Keeping Your “Inner Flame” Burning Bright Through Diet

 “You are only as old as your Agni” – Dr Vasant Lad

According to ancient wisdom, we have our own mini-sun, also known as inner flame within us. Just as if the sun were to disappear, all life would come to an end. Similarly, if our inner flame were to be extinguished, we would also die.

Physical and mental strength, enthusiasm and courage, and especially longevity and overall health are all said to be directly related to the health of our agni.

We can protect and balance our inner Agni via the proper consumption of food and drinks in the right quantities and at the right times, keeping the seasonal effects of foods in mind.

In Conclusion

To conclude, I’d like to say moderation is the key. Educate yourself on proper nutrition, be kind to your body, and see what foods work for you.

Lord Krishna also spoke about spiritually charged foods. When food is prepared with love and consumed mindfully and with reverence, the body is believed to become filled with health, serenity, vitality, hope, and joy.

Do try and incorporate Sattvic food into your lifestyle with small steps at a time.

Wishing you all abundant physical, mental, and spiritual health this Janamashtmi – Jai Shri Krishna!


Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding your health,weight loss and nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556 / +32 468 29 79 49.

Understand Food Labels : Read Before You Eat To Make Healthy Choices

Packaged food is the quick fix for today’s on- the- go generation. From the early morning biscuits to the breakfast cereal, mid morning chips to post lunch chocolate, evening tea cookies to instant noodles – the list is endless!

Yes, I know you look for reassuring words  printed in bold- sugar free, low calorie, fat free, no preservatives, all natural before picking any packaged food item. But those bold claims at the front of  your favourite or usual go-to packaged foods can be quite misleading if you don’t read closely. The so called food packets are full of harmful hidden ingredients that are posing hormonal disturbance and other serious health problems and keeping you away from your health goal.

Here we learn  handy ways to understand food label ,detect marketing deceptions and make healthful choices:

  1. Read the ingredient list: Don’t just read the calories. The most important thing to look at FIRST in any packaged food item is the ingredient list, mentioned at the back of the box. The Ingredient List states the main ingredient first(by weight), followed by the rest of the ingredients in descending order(by weight).

For e.g:


In this particular biscuit packaging, sugar is the biggest component , bigger than even the flour, making it an unhealthy choice .

  1. Length of the Ingredient List: The fewer the ingredients the better is the packaged food. Would recommend to buy foods with max five or less ingredients. The longer the list, the more questionable the health quotient of the product.

The above packaging is of a popular tea time snack but how many ingredients can you relate with  actual food in the long list? Most of ingredients are actually chemicals in form of preservatives, colourings ,emulsifiers and  added hidden sugars.


3.Look for real ingredients:In comparison, when you see this label for a sweet granola type product, the list is also long but the ingredients are real making it a better  choice.











Many times sugars and trans fats are mentioned by different names such as high fructose corn syrup, barley malt, sucrose, maltose, maltodextrin, rice syrup or trans fat as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Be wary of such food products.


4.Understanding the Nutrition Facts on the label:


Pic Courtesy: FDA

  1. Look for Number of Servings Per Container: This tells us the size of a single serving and the total number of servings per container (package).As clearly mentioned there are two servings in the above container and it is not meant to be finished at one go. Next time before having that packet of chips all at one go, check the mentioned number of servings.
  2. Check the calories per serving and how many servings you’re really consuming:  As mentioned in the point above, if you double the servings you eat, you double the calories, fats and carbs too . If you eat whole packet at one go, as per the label above you eat two servings and hence 500 Calories (250*2).Similarly the amount of fat and carbs you ate also doubled the amount mentioned on the label.
  3. Check for saturated fat,sodium and trans fat:This one is a no-brainer, limit the amounts of saturated fat and sodium, and avoid trans fat Choose foods with as less of these nutrients whenever possible.                              An important not to be missed point here is, your packet food is not trans fat free even though its label mentions trans fat as 0g. As per FDA, If one serving of any food product contains less than 0.5 gram of trans fat, it is mentioned must as 0 g. As given in the label below, when the Nutrition Facts label says a food contains “0 g” of transfat, but includes “partially hydrogenated oil” in the ingredient list, it means the food contains trans fat, but less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving. So, if you eat more than one serving, you could quickly reach your daily limit of trans (as per the American Heart Association). For e.g.

  • Secondly, sodium levels are another red flag that you must check. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 1,500 mg per day for most adults. We consume 2,300 milligrams (mgs) a day in 1 teaspoon salt! While we cook with salt levels in check, most of us overdose on sodium from processed, pre-packaged and restaurant foods. This significantly affects blood pressure and heart health.


4.Dietary fiber, protein, calcium, iron, vitamins and other nutrients: These are beneficial nutrients and you may look for them in real whole foods like fresh fruits, vegetables,seeds and nuts and not in packaged foods.

5Information shown in these panels is based on 2,000 calories/day: Unless you are an athlete or do hard labour, most of us need less than 1600 calorie per day. Hence, most of these values are already on the higher side for us.

6.The % Daily Value (DV) :tells you the percentage of each nutrient in a single serving, in terms of the daily recommended amount. (in this case, in one serving of 228g, this is the percentage of the nutrient that you are consuming.)

To simplify it,use 5:20 ratio rule. If you want to consume less of a nutrient (such as saturated fat or sodium), choose foods with a lower % DV — 5 percent or less. If you want to consume more of a nutrient (such as fiber or protein), seek foods with a higher % DV — 20 percent or more.


I hope this blog helps you making healthier and better food choices . You may find retaining this information overwhelming at one go. I urge you to go point by point and make it a gradual learning process. Do educate your family and your children as well. A nutritionally knowledgeable family is a healthy happy family!


Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding your health,weight loss and nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556 / +32 468 29 79 49.

Measuring your wellness without scales

Step up on the scale-is it a daily ritual for you? The number on scale decides your mood and happiness for the day?

Then you have landed at the right place.

Your health is not linked to the number on scale!

Nor just the size of your jeans defines your complete wellness.

What if I tell you today to ditch the scale and still measure your wellness correctly?

Yes the scale gives some indication about one’s health but not all round perspective.

Weight naturally fluctuates. Sometimes your body holds onto more water than normal. If you’re a woman, your weight will move with your cycle. Food and drink consumption can also wildly impact the scale within a couple of hours. Exercise is the same. Want to try a (weird) little experiment…weigh yourself before and after going to the bathroom. You might see a difference of upto a kg!

This is not fat loss or gain. It’s simple weight fluctuation and it really gives you no indication of health status.

A scale only reveals your body weight at a specific time, but not overall health. Your overall health depends on your fat mass, lean muscle, water mass, bone mass, daily activity, food intake, metabolism, age and genetics, which a scale does not report.

Yes, forget the trauma of standing on the scales ever so often and read on about other ways of measuring your wellness which will not only make you feel good about yourself but may give you an insight to tackle those problem areas as well.

If you are already trying to eat more healthy, managing daily physical activity or workouts and making a gradual shift in your lifestyle, do not rely solely on scale. Celebrate these victories instead:

How you feel in YOUR body?

Do you feel lighter in your stomach? Bloating, acidity ,gas or constipation has reduced? This all shows your digestion has improved. You are regaining your gut balance.

 Is your skin clearer?

Do you feel any changes in your skin? Has your skin started glowing or is becoming bright or the onset of pimples has reduced. Its all  because of the reduced toxins in your body. New efforts that you are making are actually paying off.

Does your mood stay stable throughout the day?

 Less irritability, anger, feeling of positivity and happiness are all result of hormonal balance which your body is slowly regaining back.

Are you are already receiving complements from your friends or colleagues?

Not only is it an instant feel-good but also a visual stamp of approval. It gives a boost to your confidence, you feel good internally, motivating yourself to stick to the path.

 Are your clothes fitting better?

Again your pant or kurta fitting is an instant judge. The inches are lost only when one loses body fat unlike the total body weight. If  you are fitting better in your old clothes, your efforts are already showing results.

How are your energy levels?

  Do you have sustained energy throughout the day or are you still feeling a mid-day slump? How often do you hit the snooze button? Do you feel energised or tired when you wake up? These are indicators that you should pay attention to.  A balanced eating pattern gives you enthusiasm and vigour, it will help you remain constant and steady without any slumps in the day.

Are you keeping track of your strength levels?

When you work out, do you feel strong and empowered? Your endurance level is another good indicator to measure your fitness. Every rep that you can increase, every minute more that you can hold a position, every added weight you hold and succeed is a positive indication that you are on the right track.

Sometimes the weight may not change on the weighing scale inspite of regular workouts. This is because though your fat mass has gone down. Due to weight training, muscle mass has increased. This is an excellent change inside the body as higher is the muscle mass better is the metabolism. Better is the metabolism, faster is the fat loss.

How is your sleep quality?

We all know that a good night sleep improves our focus, attention, memory and creativity. This is not enough. It does much more than that by reducing stress and depression. Helps in balancing your hormones and hence the metabolism.  The repair and regeneration of the damaged tissue happens only during the sleep. It also helps in improving the immune system.

If you are sleeping better, all the above functions in the body are happening much more efficiently.

How are any previous symptoms or medical conditions? Have they improved?

If any of your blood test reports are not normal be it lipid profile (cholesterol), uric acid, blood glucose or thyroid, it indicates your overall body function is affected. Any efforts which lead to improvement in blood reports indicate improvement in your overall health.

Is there any improvement in your blood sugar levels or your thyroid pill dosage is reduced or you are put off medication for the cholesterol or uric acid. All these improvements are part of your achievement towards wellness.


In a nutshell: Use how you feel to measure your health

Always be mindful of your wellness and your body as you keep up (or don’t) on a balanced eating pattern, exercise and sleeping habits. Compare yourself in both cases: do you feel more active and flexible or lazy and tired for no reason? Can you climb up the stairs two at a time or do you feel out of breath?

Look for signs of progress. Feedback from friends and family, in your workout performance, in the way your clothes fit – everything counts. Nothing is too small.

All these are small live indicators that point towards your overall health. Celebrate your wins, create mini-goals and achieve them. Reward yourself with your favourite non-food item or experience.

Focus on health and wellness that goes much deeper than a number on the scale and you will have a true focus of adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

P.S. : On the occasion that you have to use a scale, measure yourself on the same scale. Weigh yourself max once a week, first thing in the morning after voiding.

Healthy living starts with addressing your belief system and then following with consistent action towards total mind-body wellness.

Eat healthy move more be persistent.


Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding your health,weight loss and nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556 / +32 468 29 79 49.



Tips For Teen Health-An unbalanced diet causes more harm than you know!

As a  Nutritionist, I am in agony to plan healthy eating routine for a teen weighing more than a 100kg or suffering from Type II diabetes or  diagnosed with high cholesterol. It’s a scary future we are heading towards. It disturbs me even more because all these conditions are highly preventable and reversible.

In most health surveys done worldwide, it is found that children are consuming far too much saturated fat, sugar and salt and not enough fruit and vegetables.

“Teenage girls are facing the risk of illnesses like cancer, heart disease, strokes and diabetes in later life by eating fewer than three servings of fruit and vegetables every day” – as per the Hindustan Times.

A recent  diet survey in Beijing found that nearly two-thirds of students favoured sugary beverages and weren’t drinking enough water.

A UK Health report has equally bad findings stating children eat 50 per cent more added sugars than the recommended maximum and 25 per cent more saturated fat.

80% of US teens have an unhealthy diet.

1 in 3 Australian kid buys unhealthy takeaway meal daily.

Modern day  couch potato lifestyle has adversely affected our kids. Chronic diseases and mental health problems have started  to hamper the health of much younger groups- younger than we can imagine!

All one needs to control this scary scenario is to Eat Healthy ,Eat Natural and Eat Real. We as parents have to ensure to guide our kids right from the early years. The importance of eating right and worth of healthy body.


What is a well-balanced diet?

A well-balanced diet is one that contains enough (neither less nor more) of all food groups and hence nutrients. It is a perfect blend of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. All from natural food and not out of a packet.

Where do we go wrong?

One main indicator is the changing patterns in food availability- more packaged than real and the increase in convenient easy to source food.

This becomes a bigger problem because parents are not aware of all the harmful effects of the entire bag of chips or packet of biscuits, colas and instant noodles their kids consume.

Popular advertisements showcase teens preparing their own pasta and noodles but these processed foods are extremely harmful in the long run.

The result from such a lifestyle is that we are taking in chemicals, hazardous trans fat, high saturated fat,  excessive salt, artificial colouring and harmful preservatives. It’s not just about your child’s weight or  waistline, but an unbalanced diet  breaks almost every aspect of the body. What goes on your child’s plate, has an impact on everything: his productivity, memory, growth, and his overall health in later years of life.

If your child regularly feel gassy, constipated, always hungry, depressed, frequent bad moods, fatigued, cold, break out into rashes, have low immunity and avoid entire food group all together – then he is a candidate for an unbalanced diet.


Why are teens more subject to unbalanced diets?

 Do you see your child opening the fridge or food cupboard once in two hours? Do they crave pizza or chips or ice-cream?

As teenagers grow and develop, it’s normal for them to feel hungry frequently. Your child’s body is going through a major growth spurt and extra food provides extra energy and nutrients to support this. The more instant-energy processed carbs they eat, the more unbalanced their diet will be.

What to feed? Refer to our blog Easy Healthy Snack ideas for Kids for details.(


How frequently your child eats outside food?

 Today’s trend veers more towards eating or ordering from out versus preparing at home – by this we cede our control over the quality of ingredients in the food that we are consuming to nourish our body. Also, not practicing proper meal times has become a part of our modern lifestyle today. But whatever you prepare at home even if its pizza or cheese fondue will be healthier than what you get outside.

Try and cook more at home – cook in batches if required – pre-prep ingredients – make it a family activity – but cook at home!

Planning and doing same may seem a little daunting at first, but is easily do-able once you get the hang of it. Well-planned meals will then become second nature to you.

How is your teen affected by social media and peers?

Social media, celebrities, peer pressure all lead our kids towards fad diets. Keto, Paleo, Lemon Detox, General Motors, Atkins…all contribute towards no balance. While they work short-term, over time they deplete the body of vital nutrients.

I find many teenage girls lacking in iron, calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals, irrespective of their age.

Your child need to know how every  bite that they put into their bodies affects them. Educating your child about  wholesome meal habits is an ongoing continuous process.


Tips to educate your child

  • Show kids what “eating right” looks like: If eating healthy is routine for you, it will be for your child as well. You are your child’s best role model.
  • Help them choose healthy: Visit a local farmer’s market over a supermarket. Processed options automatically get cut down.
  • Create a healthy food environment: Involve your kids in meal planning,grocery shopping ,chopping the veggies, finding out a new recipe. These tasks are great bonding activities. Help your kids gain ownership and eat better.
  • Avoid calling foods “good” or “bad”: All foods have a place in your plate. Instead of saying this is good or bad for you, make it fun to differentiate. Good foods such as whole foods can be green lighted, lesser healthy foods like vada pau can be orange and biscuits and French fries need not be off limits but are red-lighted in their minds. How? Read Further.
  • Discuss how food affects the body: Discuss all good things about healthy eating and how it affects their body rather than just telling them to eat this not that. Explanation matters and clicks them.
  • Make meals fun: You don’t need to lecture on good food during meal times. If pav-bhaji is on the menu today, add your hidden veggies inside. If pizza is demanded, add a salad as well. Make meal times happy, satisfying and a time to bond.
  • Talk about portion size. It’s not just what kids eat that matter.Right Portions and timings matter too.
  • Limit sweets.Explain why excess sweets can make them feel yucky from inside! Offer fresh fruit for desserts and limit treats to two or three times a week to keep cravings for sweets in check.
  • Help kids stay in touch with their “hunger cues.”: Help your kid determine their own appetite and understand how much is enough. Chewing slowly, banning screens, portion control, tasting what they eat are all pointers to help them pay attention to how much they’re eating and when they’ve had enough.
  • Change their meeting place: Rather than meeting up with their friends at the local cafe, suggest a food outlet that serves healthier foods or at swimming pool or basketball club or may be just a garden for a walk.

If you still think your child needs to lose or gain weight, do not self-diet. Speak to a nutritionist – this will help you chart out the best healthy eating routine  for your child as per his specific requirements.


Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding your health and nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556/+32 468 29 79 49.

Easy to Prepare Healthy Snack ideas for Kids


The Nutritionist in me cannot deny the significance of snacking for kids. Snacks often get a bad reputation but if chosen wisely they are integral fillers in between big meals. Kids grow fast and need frequent refuelling. Snacks are saviours to meet the daily nutrient requirements of our kids.

Being a mommy , I can relate well to one of our pet peeves as moms ‘kitna variety banao?’. Breakfast, Tiffins, lunch, after-school snacks and dinner….

That’s a bit too much to take in everyday…especially since most moms are working now and our kids have an equally packed schedule post-school with their classes, tuitions,sports etc.

So how do we solve this conundrum without having to resort to sugary, fatty and junk. To keep them from grabbing chips or cola, let’s  get savvy with snacks for kids.

First things first!

Always Have A Plan

We take out time once a week and plan our family’s menu- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner,right? Include after school snacks too in the planning. You might need to make an energy dense heavy snack for the day your child goes for basket ball straight after school while a bowl of fruits will do on days when it’s an art activity.

Once you know what kind of snack you need to prepare, it sorts out your mental clutter drastically.


Have Your Ingredients Ready

Shop for the week once your meal and snack timetable is ready. It will save you grocery runs in the middle of  week. And will also help avoid those impulse chips, cake and cookie buys too.


Keep Your fridge and Snack Cupboard Stocked

Teens and even younger kids have mood swings and get bored easily. You may plan to make the favourite and yummiest sandwich or wrap, and your kid will be like ‘not this today, please give me something else!’

Have stuff that you can fall back on. It may be peanut butter, hummus, dips, fruits, rawa, yoghurt, rice flour, oats, besan, green chutney, khajoor chutney, corn kernels, boiled potato or sweet potato anything that your family likes and eats readily.

Now, you can offer your young one something that’s handy and they like .It avoids the fights and the power matches. You may also consider involving your little one while planning the menu to avoid such situation frequently.

Beware: You will feed what you stock , so choose wisely and stock healthy!


Involve the Kids and Have fun

As moms, we are always in search of that new recipe – be it online, on what’s app, from the colleague’s tiffin or something your friend made at home…’kaise banaya?’ becomes our favourite question 😊.

Listen and learn, but adapt it to your family taste and likes. Don’t be afraid to experiment and include your children in your experiments…they might just get hooked on to.

Talk to your child about the new recipe you came across or ask him to youtube an easier version of same recipe. Involve them in meal planning, simple pre preparations like stirring the batter or packing their own tiffin. Not only will they eat better but they are nice bonding activities too!

Include junk in limits

Totally cutting off their favourite treats is going to result in one sulky kid! Include their favourite treats but as part of a snack – never make that the full meal. Include a cookie along with bowl of fruits or a some chips along with dosa. This  not only cut downs the junk but  also ensures more healthy intake.Special junk treats can be reserved for special occasions.



Make the food look interesting

Always remember, kids eat with their eyes. The way you present snacks makes a lot of difference.Try experimenting with interesting shapes, bright colours,contrasting textures to make the food look more appealing. Time pressed? Buy a new  tiffin or a nice colourful plate. See the difference this simple change brings in the way,your child eats the same old snack. For a child going to a class straight after class, you might want to provide a mini hamper of one heavy snack, a drink and a small sweet. You can even include a nice note if your driver or maid is assisting them to and fro. It makes them feel special and they will happily eat what you’ve sent.

Cute cherry tomato case I bought to make plain cherry tomatoes look interesting!


Now for some quick, healthy and yummy snack ideas!

Here’s a list of easy to prepare snack ideas and some tips that you can use as a reference for your meal-planning.

Fruit Smoothies & Sorbets

Don’t give up on a chance to serve those fruits and veggies! Combine interesting combinations into smoothies or shakes adding a little nuts or dry fruits or freeze them as sorbets for later.

Veggie Sticks & Dips

Cut veggie sticks with dips is another quick pick me up. Experiment as much as you like with yogurt based dips, hummus, guacamole or salsas.

Ready to eat Fruits & Veggies

Fruits or veggies of choice can be kept ready and chilled before your kid comes home. Let them eat them as soon as they come. They can have them plain or with  tangy chaat masala.

PS: Let the child pick fruits and veggies of their choice, take them for grocery shopping,let them experiment with different flavours and textures. Don’t force for a particular fruit or veggie.

Experiment with bread – go beyond a sandwich

Use whole-wheat bread, tacos, pita bread, pizza bases, mini burger buns, large subway rolls for more variety. Can be fashioned into mini sandwiches and roll ups as well.

Make your fillings in advance with healthy ingredients, say paneer or crushed chickpeas or mixed veggies or oiled potato or unprocessed cheese . That way you only need to take out your filling and use it on a wrap or sandwich.

Roti ,wraps or rolls

Here’s one space to get experimental with ingredients.

  • You can mix flours (soya, wheat, corn or some local millets) to make your roti base. Spinach /beetroot/pumpkin can be blanched and added to the flour to make it more healthy and interesting.
  • Toppings can be Indianised, Chinese, Lebanese whatever you prefer, will bring a twist.
  • You may use finely cut veggies, corn kernels or separate some boiled beans or chickpeas or potatoes which you plan to prepare for dinner.


Doss can be of traditional rice and pulse, multi-grain, semolina(rawa), local millets(Jawar,bajra,nachni) and even oats. An interesting instant combination can be semolina(rawa), besan(gram flour). Moong dal chillas are a great way to get those sprouts in.


  • Pancakes again can be sweet or savoury. Use  whole wheat flour instead of refined flour.Can include some home-made almond flour in them if your kid is not a fan of whole dry fruits.
  • You may even add beetroot for a fun pink pancake or pumpkin for golden yellow.

Left-over magic

How to reuse food is an art and a necessity for all of us.

  • Left-over rotis: can be made into a khakra, can be torn into strips and made into a bhel, can be cut into small pieces, topped and served as quesedillas.
  • Left over idli: simply break into pieces, temper and serve.
  • Left-over dal/pulses: Knead them in a dough and prepare base for the roll or wrap.
  • Left-over veggies: can be fashioned into rolls or sandwiches.

Bhel Varieties

We Indians love our chaat! Instead of just sev puri or alu tikki, try these ideas as well. Try sweet potato or sprouted green moong chaat or corn bhel or chana chaat. They are simpler to prepare and light on tummy too.

Traditional snacks

Stay in touch with your roots. Be it thepla, moong dal vade, ragda pattice, sabudana vada, uttapams, dahi vada, rasam vada – let your children enjoy the taste of their heritage. Try healthier cooking methods. Like baking the potatoes for ragda pattice or roasting the vada in rasam vada makes the unhealthy, super healthy.

Baked Falafel with veggies!


Stay Tuned! Our next write up on Ensure Balanced Diet for Kids -Coming soon.

Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding your health and nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556/+32 468 29 79 49.

Healthy Snack Options-Eat This Not That

Yes! you read it right “Snacking is not bad for you”.Rather snacks are fillers in between big meals and if chosen wisely can help you improve your overall health and help lose weight too.  But snacking can easily get out of control when we are eating for reasons other than hunger, like boredom or fatigue. A total no-no is late-night snacking after dinner.The big yes is picking the right snack.

The biggest consideration when picking a snack is its nutrient content. Snacks are great ways to make up for the much needed vitamins and minerals that most people are deficient in.But unprepared, we often end up making unwise choices willingly or unwillingly.Relax! Its not as much a chore as you normally think. Ensure you buy the right ingredients while you pick the weekly grocery and half the battle is won.Plan the weekly snack menu also while planning your main meals. This planning helps you long way in sticking to healthier snack options mostly, avoiding packaged foods.

Avoid the below mentioned store-bought/processed/sugar laden snacks for their home-made alternatives

Microwave Popcorn: Carcinogenic chemicals, GMOs and trans fat- this is all what goes in microwave popcorns.Your body will thank you for not picking same.

Eat This: Air Popped Pop corns, Pop your own corns. With dash of oil or butter, pinch of sea salt and your favourite seasonings. Your bowl of goodness all set in 5 min.

Flavoured yogurt: Often marketed as a healthy option, but the artificial flavours and sweetners make it far from healthy.

Eat This: Low fat greek yoghurt.Not a fan of plain yogurt? Try adding your favourite fruit to same. It makes great combo of good taste and sound health.

Packaged Namkeens/Savoury Snacks:No chai-time in an Indian household is complete without the various sevs,namkeens, bhakadwadis , packaged chivdas and bhujiyas. While these are great chat-pat items, they are not very filling and you definitely can’t eat huge servings!A lot of these items can be made at home too but most of us run short of time and cooking skills. Check out your neighbourhood and area FB pages if you can find ladies who make these savouries at home, that way you are surer of what’s going in.Though not absolutely healthy but still far better from preservative and artificial flavours laden packaged options in supermarkets.

Eat This: Roasted makhana, roasted dal mixtures/peas/edamame, murmura, theplas, poha or upma instead. Your chai-time will be better!

The famous street snacks:Again every Indian is particularly fond of street snacks like pav-bhaji, chaat, pakodas/bhajiyas, shawarma, alu tikki, vada pav etc. Do indulge in these treats once in a way and try sharing your portion with a friend or family. That way, you are enjoying the taste but limiting your intake as well.

Eat This: Bhel with chutney, Idli sambar,Veggie Sandwich. Baking the pattice in ragda pattice makes it a healthy guilt free treat rather than market bought fried version.Get these items prepared at home with a few tweaks in the recipe to make it more healthy.

Bread:It is the most common go to option for snack in most households. Not a good choice if prepared from refined flour. Moreover chemicals such as dough conditioners,acidity regulators added to improve its texture and increase its shelf life make it an unhealthy choice.

Eat This: Read the label before you buy your bread.Organic bread free from processed flour and other chemicals. Millet breads are a great option too.

Biscuits,Cakes and Muffins:Most children consume Oreo,Bourbon or Little hearts almost every day! By the time they are teens, its such a natural part of their diet that a biscuit packet is bought whenever one is hungry and on the go.Sadly, these convenient packets are full of refined flour, sugar and a thousand flavourings and preservatives!Ready-made slice cakes are another option generally bought for evening snacks.But it is equally full of artificial flavourings and added sugars.

Eat This:Try baking at home. No time for baking?Think of biscuits and cakes as once in a while treat and not a daily routine. Try combining some nuts of your choice with dates and preparing yummy energy bar.More fulfilling, tastier and healthier for sure.70% Cacao Dark Chocolate is abetter option too.

Store bought Smoothies:Not all smoothies are created equal. Home-made smoothies can be power-packed with nutrients, but grab-and-go smoothie, are often jam-packed with added sugar and flavours. Moreover it won’t keep you feeling full like a good snack should!

Eat This:Make up your own delicious combinations.Pick fruits and veggies of your choice. Blend them well, add some seeds or nuts or yoghurt. Your glass of goodness is ready.

Veggie Sticks:Heavily advertised, these sticks are like wolves in sheep’s clothing. While they may be slightly lower in fat than chips, these snacks don’t offer protein or fibre they market for and are essentially devoid of nutrients.

Eat this:Munch on actual cucumber, carrot, radish sticks instead along with hummus or mint yoghurt dip.

Crackers,Chips, Pretzels and Fries:Potato is not bad. Its the way its cooked and packaged that makes it a bad choice.Potato chips bags are not only loaded with artificial flavours and chemical preservatives but are also rich in trans fats. A cracker may seem a healthier choice than  chips, but one serving probably won’t fill you up since these crackers are low in water, volume, protein, and fibre. So you’ll probably double the serving—which means your snack now contains double the calories,  fats and sodium.Pretzels may be low in fat than chips but are still overloaded with salt and processed flour.

Eat This: Olives,Kimchi,Home baked potato or sweet potato chips,Traditional Baked Potato, Aloo chaat,Home baked cheese crackers.

Ready-to-eat meats:If your idea of a perfect snack is some sausages or salami wrapped in a roll,be cautious.  These convenient slices are full of nitrates, sodium, additives, and preservatives.

Eat This: Cooking fresh chicken meat for rolls and sandwiches.

Dried Fruit:While a snack bag full of dried fruit may seem like sensible choice, keep the serving size in perspective. Would you eat 10 apples in one sitting? Or 8 oranges? Because dried fruit is pretty much just that. Fruit that has been shrunken down and extracted of its moisture—but the natural sugars remain. Avoid the sugar coated variety.

Eat This:A fist full of plain and natural dried fruit.

 Protein Bars:While there are many kinds of protein bars, in most cases the nutrition info on the back of the package might surprise you.  Most protein bars are highly processed, even featuring artificial ingredients and fillers. If your protein bar has first ingredient as sugar, it’s more like a candy bar with added protein than health food.

Eat This: Organic Protein Bars  with nuts or whey protein as the first/main ingredient.

Salted or flavoured nuts:If you pick nuts with added salts or flavours, you’re tipping the scales to the unhealthy end. If you look at a nut section you’ll see ‘roasted,’ ‘ranch,’ and ‘barbecued’.

Eat this:Nuts are a great snack option, just save on the salt by choosing the unsalted version.Else roast at home,this way you control the salt amount that goes in. Try adding some herbs like dried mint leaves,oregano,rosemary for natural flavours.

Granola:Granola makes you feel good, but this snack is usually sweetened, so you’re getting extra sugar in the mix, it’s more decadent than having plain cereal.Often rich in processed carbs and not a perfect blend of all nutrients.

Eat this: Steel cut oats, with chopped dates or raisins for natural sweetness or be mindful of your portions if choosing granola.

Flavoured Soy Milk/Flavoured Water/Sweetened Drinks

If you are switching to soy instead of dairy – soy is great as its low in cholesterol and high in potassium and protein. But if, instead of plain soy milk, you choose the chocolate or vanilla version, you’re taking a big step back. They add sugar and unnecessary artificial flavours.

Flavoured water is not behind either as its not only water and flavours.Read labels to understand what you’re consuming as it often comes with added sweeteners.

Fruit drinks if not made from 100% fruit juice are just as bad as soda.Most popular brands contain artificial colours and high fructose corn syrup.

Eat This:Save the flavoured soy milks for the occasional dessert and choose unsweetened or plain varieties for your everyday drinking instead. Flavour your water naturally with your favourite fruits and herbs. Pick the 100% fruit juice or try some smoothie instead.

Trail Mixes:Nuts and dried fruit mixed together? Sounds pretty healthy. And if you stick to a responsible portion size of a brand that uses plain, unsweetened dried fruits and unsalted nuts, it just may be. The problem is that many mixes include add-in’s like chocolate chips and sprinklers which introduce excess salt and sugars.

Eat This:Prepare your own Trail Mix.You just need to roats and mix your favourite nuts and seeds with dried fruits or dark chocolate. Your health snack is ready and can be stored for upto a month!

The fat free /Diet/Low fat Snacks

Don’t jump on to that packet of biscuits/chips or namkeen reading these claims. Make sure to read the whole ingredient list more carefully instead. As these claims are often marketing deceptions.

Eat This: Roasted Chana,Poha Chiwda, Roasted Murmura with peanuts.

Ready-to-heat Instant Oatmeal/Sugary Cereals:It’s a whole grain, a healthy grab-and-go breakfast choice, and easily topped with other healthful sides like berries, flax and nuts. So what could possibly be bad about oatmeal? Flavoured packets have more sugar and sodium than regular rolled or steel cut oats.

Eat This: Dress up regular oatmeal with fresh fruit or dates puree.

Hope this helps you eat healthy snacks that are tasty too!


Stay Tuned! Our next write up on how to read food labels -Coming soon.

Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding your health and nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556/+32 468 29 79 49.

Top Tips To Help You Eat Clean

You are well on your journey to wellness, you cook more at home, make smarter choices and avoid fast food. But still at times, you may feel flummoxed that the not so healthy food gets the better of you.

Before I share the tips about how to eat clean, let me explain what does it mean?

The major key to understand about eating clean for beginners is that it’s more of a lifestyle than a “diet.”Rather than focusing on tracking calories, carbs, or fat intake, clean eating involves choosing fresh and  whole foods(fruits,veggies,whole grains,nuts and seeds) that provide maximal nutritional benefits. Avoiding processed foods, foods loaded with excessive sugar and salt, eating less meats and making environmentally sound food choices. Thereby  creating a healthy, conscientious approach to what foods you eat.

To make it simple, One hundred calories from a packet of chips will not fuel or heal your body the same way as one hundred calories from a mango or any other fruit.

While trying to eat clean

Ist choice         Pineapple(natural state)                                         Almonds(natural state)

IInd Choice     Canned Pineapple(somewhat processed)           Roasted Salted Almonds(somewhat processed)

Last Choice     Pineapple Slush(highly processed)                      Almond Cookies(highly processed)


Here I share a few tips and tricks for the times you find the most challenging.

When you Shop

Supermarkets are designed to entice shoppers to succumb to their craving. To ensure you make smart selections – try these tips out.

  • Never shop hungry or in a hurry. Go with your list in hand.
  • Shop at the perimeter. Fill up on your fruits and veggies first.
  • Stock up on plant based proteins whole grains, dals, pulses and beans.
  • Shop like you eat: Fill your grocery cart similar to how you’d fill your plate at meals—half veggies, one-quarter whole grains and one-quarter protein. This will almost always guarantee that you can create well-balanced, properly portioned meals at home. 
  • Beware of products marketed as “healthy” or “natural”:Remember that it’s all about marketing and that just because it’s located in the “health” section of your store (or even if in a health food store itself), doesn’t mean it’s necessarily good for you.
  • Remember: less IS more:The fewer ingredients an item has, the “wholer” it is, as in less processed. Try to purchase items with five or six ingredients at the most.
  • Choose ingredients with which you can make your snacks.
  • Downsize your trolley : you will only buy what you require.
  • Steer clear from these aisles  :
  1. Soft Drink Aisle
  2. Chips and Packaged Snacks Aisle
  3. Candy Aisle
  4. Cereal Aisle
  5.  Baked good Aisle


For those midnight pangs

The three key factors that determine the satiety of a food item are protein, fibre and energy density. If you make sure to  include  wholesome foods in your day-to-day routine, it can certainly help  prevent unnecessary cravings for fatty, sugary or salty foods and keeping you in shape.

Rather than blindly reaching for a box of cookies or a bag of chips, do a quick inventory of what you’ve eaten for the entire day.

Did you get enough fruit?

Did you eat any vegetables?

How was your protein intake?

Are you thirsty or hungry: Before starting your hunt for the right snack for the odd time hunger pangs, stop for a moment and think conciously Are you really hungry or just thirsty? So often we mistake our thirst for hunger and eat wrong at the wrong time.

Consider what you missed: You are likely to feel those pangs if you miss your Breakfast or didn’t get enough sleep. Also reflect upon what all you had eaten through out the day.If you are lacking in any one group, let that be your first choice. Aim for 100 calories’ worth, and a glass of water.

Healthy options: ¾ cup plain yogurt topped with fruit, whole grain pita with hummus, 1 banana with nut butter, cottage cheese and pineapple, sliced veggies with Greek yogurt or hummus,Boiled Herb Potatoes,Mixed Sprouts,Roasted Chana,a fist full of nuts.

Have a slow snack: Those two tiny cookies you portioned out for Netflix are generally over before the end of the opening credits, and you’re ready to go back for more. Try having something that you can eat slowly like a 100-calorie pack of pistachios. Because they’re in shells, they take longer to eat, reducing the risk of mindless munching.

Remove temptations from the snack cupboard: You already know what and how to shop? This way your environment will encourage you to make healthy choices.



When you Travel

This is a time when you feel dependent on airline/train/hotel food or are stuck with what is available easily. This is also the time you may feel most uneasy or bloated.

What to do

Pack the right food: Fruits, Nuts and seeds of your choice. Carry nuts in pre-portioned nut bags to keep portions in check.Sandwiches/Vermicelli/Upma/Idlis and  home made trail mix also help you to keep your stomach satiated and avoid over priced airport food. A protein bar but check the ingredient list before picking. The lower the number of ingredients,the better it is for you.

Avoid salt-heavy snacks. Chips and crackers are very simple carbohydrates that are high in fat as well and can cause gastrointestinal upset in some people.

Break at right spot: Google in advance about the local and healthy eating joints on the way rather than stopping anywhere. Vegan restaurants mostly serve the healthiest options.Try Salads:  Stop somewhere where you can craft your own salad, if available. That can help you avoid the unexpected calories of pre-packaged or restaurant salads drenched in creamy dressing or loaded with crunchy noodles. Try to get your salad built on veggies, topped with protein (such as grilled chicken), with beans and your dressing on the side.

Buy your own water: Avoid drinking  calories in name of packaged juices or other sugary beverages. Stick to water instead.

Refill your mini bar: On reaching hotel, refill the refrigerator with fruits you are carrying or grocery(greek yogurt/wholesome bread/cherry tomatoes/cheese) you do from nearby local store.

Hope this helps in your new journey. Make clean choices. Eat Healthy. Live Happy.


Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding your health and nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556/+32 468 29 79 49.


Achieving Wellness: Your Guide To Healthy Life

Have you ever stopped to think that our body works non-stop, day in and day out…late nights, parties, early morning preps, midnight binges, training for a sport, studying for an exam, preparing a presentation – our body just does whatever we demand of it….no rests….no stops…no complaints.

At times, there are hiccups and loud alarm bells – and that’s the time we slow down only to pace it up once we feel well again…

But is that the way to live?

Our body is like a temple which houses our soul. It’s the only thing that will remain constant with us throughout our life – how are we nurturing it?

Fitness, diets, meditation, yoga, laughter workshops, walks are probably some of the answers which I get – but doing only one is not enough…overall body care and wellness comes from taking care of your body from different dimensions.

WHO defines as “Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth. A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Wellness as an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life.

Just as various parts of your body come together to perform one task, similarly these 7 various types of nurturing will help your body,mind and soul stay fit, happy and healthy.

Here we’re going to delve into the 7 dimensions of wellness and how one can measure oneself on the wellness scale.

These dimensions integrate social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual and physical wellness to improve our quality of life.


  • Social Wellness:measures how we relate to and connect with other people in our world. Our ability to maintain positive relationships with family, friends and colleagues contributes to our Social Wellness.


  • Emotional Wellness:is all about how we cope with life’s challenges. The ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger, fear, sadness or stress; hope, love, joy and happiness in a productive manner contributes to our Emotional Wellness.Image result for emoticons
  • Spiritual Wellness:is the ability to establish peace and harmony in our lives. Whether it is the peace and order our religion brings or the values we live with and the actions we take in our day to day  lives. Basically our ability to discover meaning and  purpose to life.

  • Environmental Wellness:is the ability to recognize our own responsibility for the quality of the air, the water and the land that surrounds us. The ability to value and improve on the quality of our environment, be it our homes, our communities or our planet contributes to our Environmental Wellness.

  • Occupational Wellness:is the ability to get personal fulfilment from our jobs and work-life balance. Our desire to make a positive impact on the organizations we work in leads to Occupational Wellness.

  • Intellectual Wellness:is the ability to open our minds to new ideas and experiences that can lead to our own betterment and continued growth. The desire to learn new concepts, improve skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to our wellness.

  • Physical Wellness:is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. The ability to recognize that our behaviors have a significant impact on our wellness and adopting healthful habits (routine check-ups, a balanced diet, exercise, etc.) while avoiding destructive habits (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc.) will lead to optimal Physical Wellness.Taking  charge of our health by making conscious decisions to be healthy.


Creating a culture of wellness

You can’t change and sustain your entire lifestyle overnight! What you need to do is take a deep breath, analyse your daily routine, habits, eating pattern and factors which stress you out.

Prioritize tasks in order of importance, plan ahead in terms of work preparations, meal preparations and activities that you want to do.

Make small do-able changes that make you feel happy, energised and positive about yourself.

Do remember, wellness is not about deprivation and achieving infinite tasks in one day! Go slow, listen to what your body wants and be in tune with your deeper needs.

My quick tips would be:

  • Eat right
  • Move more
  • Breathe easy
  • Stress less
  • Work smart
  • Live well

Recently I found this extremely good resource  from North West Wellness Services, Missouri and I’d really like to share it with you.

Print the attached wheel or draw it out and answer the questions that follow. There’s no answering to anyone, no right or wrong and it just gives a wonderful perspective on where you individually stand today.

All you need to do is fill in the corresponding pie-shaped section of the wheel to the degree you are achieving this.

For example, question #1 is: “I eat a balanced nutritional diet”

If you feel you are doing this 100% of the time, colour in all of section 1. If you do this 60% of the time, colour 60% of the section.

Complete this for all 36 sections of the wheel.


  1. I eat a balanced nutritional diet.
  2. I exercise at least 3 times per week.
  3. I practice safe sex.
  4. I do not use alcohol or use in moderation, am a non-smoker and avoid street drugs.
  5. I am generally free from illness.
  6. I am a reasonable weight for my height.
  7. I have a solid balance between saving for the future and spending for the present.
  8. My beliefs/values surrounding money are harmonious with my behaviour.
  9. What I am doing with work has purpose.
  10. I use money positively, e.g. no gambling or excessive massing of goods.
  11. I have a balance between work and the other areas of my life.
  12. I have financial plans for the future.
  13. I have specific intellectual goals, e.g., learning a new skill.
  14. I pursue mentally stimulating interests or hobbies.
  15. I am generally satisfied with my education plan/vocation.
  16. I have positive thoughts (a low degree of negativity and cynicism).
  17. I would describe myself as a life long learner.
  18. I commit time and energy to professional and self-development.
  19. I have a sense of fun and laughter.
  20. I am able to feel and label my feelings.
  21. I express my feelings appropriately.
  22. I have a sense of control in my life and I am able to adapt to change.
  23. I am able to comfort or console myself when I am troubled.
  24. Others would describe me as emotionally stable.
  25. I am able to resolve conflicts in all areas of my life.
  26. I am aware of the feelings of others and can respond appropriately.
  27. I have at least three people with whom I have a close trusting relationship.
  28. I am aware of and able to set and respect my own and others boundaries.
  29. I have satisfying social interaction with others.
  30. I have a sense of belonging/not being isolated.
  31. I practice meditation, pray or engage in some purpose in my life.
  32. I have a general sense of Serenity.
  33. I have faith in a higher power.
  34. I have a sense of meaning and purpose in my life.
  35. I trust others and am able to forgive others and myself and let go.
  36. Principles/ethics/morals provide guides for my life

Your response will vary depending on your age and stage of life. Consider the wheel you have created as a source of feedback.


Which section of your wheel has the most colour? Which section of your wheel has the least colour?


As a result of doing this assessment, how can you improve your life balance?

What will be your first step? How will you achieve your goal?

Also do set a timeline for your progress!

Wishing you a healthy happy life!


Follow us on fb for regular tips on health,wellness,eat right and much more.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries regarding women nutrition you can email at or call  on +91 99676 35556/+32 468 29 79 49.

Promoting wellbeing in the workplace : Nutriguide’s Corporate Nutrition Program

In today ‘s working environment an increasing number of executives in corporate world are ending up as victims of lifestyle diseases such as obesity,hypertension,diabetes,cancer etc. Tight deadlines,work pressure,targets travel or slouching on chairs for long hours have forced the current  workforce to lead an erratic lifestyle where health has become the last priority.In such a scenario the employer needs to give their employees a complete well being so as to enhance their performance productivity thereby making Corporate Nutrition & Health Program essential.

Have you ever thought of cultivating a culture of wellness in your organisation?

A study shows that the impact of diet on productivity can be as high as 66%.People are often surprised by the difference nutrition can make in physical as well as mental health. And all it takes is a few adjustments to make a big difference.

Most of us today spend more time in our workplace than our homes or otherwise. So nutrition and wellness at work holds key to employee productivity, health and overall engagement.

Good Health is the best gift you can give your employees!!

Late nights, hectic travel schedules, constant eating out and errant lunches and dinners lead to rising health issues and healthcare costs. Changing how people eat is the single behaviour that can have the biggest impact on their health. It can  help lose weight,reverse chronic disease, strengthen immune system and, ultimately, lower healthcare costs for companies.

We specialise in helping busy professionals integrate healthy habits for the long term, step by step, in a way that fits working life.

The result? More productive, engaged and motivated employees.

The Challenges of Healthy Eating

Today’s so-called fast food is calorie dense, additive and full of salt, sugar and fat. Thus, people are challenged to make smart food choices every day at cafeterias, restaurants and while buying impulse food at the supermarket.Have worked with numerous professionals and each one has a different set of challenges.Helping and educating them  making smaller changes in their day to day routine has led to significant improvement on how they feel at work.You will be surprised by the difference nutrition can make to your employee’s physical as well as mental health. And all it takes is a few small tweaks to make a big difference.

Core Benefits of Nutriguide iPlan

Everyone can benefit from a nutrition tune-up.  The foods we choose to eat are linked to the energy. We have to be productive in our careers, present with our families, and enjoy the activities that make us who we are.  Learning to choose the right foods, in the right amounts, at the right time is the key to feeling and performing the best you can in whatever you choose to do.  Our nutrition program focuses on food as the fuel for our lives and provides simple strategies to get the most out of every time we eat.

With Nutriguide iPlan we aim for sustainable, long-term gradual change by customising food plans for each employee and pointing individuals to the healthy options all around them — at home, at the grocery store, at their office cafe,  in local restaurants or eateries anywhere across the world.

Nutrition is not a one size fits all package. Hence, we specially focus on various job profiles like Night Shift workers, Desk Lovers, Frequent Travellers etc.

Monitoring without Meeting

Most corporate nutrition programs address nutrition as a whole only through workshops and talks. But in today’s fast paced world it’s difficult to make time for ourselves and our well-being. Regular visits and face to face meetings are not possible always. Thus, the iPlan model is designed as a flexible,digital,holistic and personalised nutrition counselling program that can be done from the comfort of home,office or anywhere in the world irrespective of location. Nutrition consultancy takes place over the phone or chat or e-mail or video call at the convenience of the employee and the Nutrition Plan is fine tuned each time based on the progress made.

We work 1-on-1 with each employee to analyse their specific needs and equip them with knowledge, insights and meal plans to help them make better choices and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Tools which help monitoring include online food journal option on  the portal,  live chat  support and  monitored  food plans which helps us to stay connected with your employee always.

When implemented effectively, employees enjoy improved productivity, enhanced morale and lesser absenteeism. The health outcomes are many, including weight loss ,reversal of lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol,uric acid and also stress resilience.

The impact can be seen in just 21 days.

Apart from increasing the overall productivity, the organisation also gets benefited by lowering the cost of health care, reduced absenteeism, Lower company health insurance premiums ,Increased Staff Retention  and overall healthier and happier workforce.

To Get Your Organisation Started On Its Wellbeing Journey, log onto or contact us at 9967635556/+32 468297949

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