Promoting wellbeing in the workplace : Nutriguide’s Corporate Nutrition Program

In today ‘s working environment an increasing number of executives in corporate world are ending up as victims of lifestyle diseases such as obesity,hypertension,diabetes,cancer etc. Tight deadlines,work pressure,targets travel or slouching on chairs for long hours have forced the current  workforce to lead an erratic lifestyle where health has become the last priority.In such a scenario the employer needs to give their employees a complete well being so as to enhance their performance productivity thereby making Corporate Nutrition & Health Program essential.

Have you ever thought of cultivating a culture of wellness in your organisation?

A study shows that the impact of diet on productivity can be as high as 66%.People are often surprised by the difference nutrition can make in physical as well as mental health. And all it takes is a few adjustments to make a big difference.

Most of us today spend more time in our workplace than our homes or otherwise. So nutrition and wellness at work holds key to employee productivity, health and overall engagement.

Good Health is the best gift you can give your employees!!

Late nights, hectic travel schedules, constant eating out and errant lunches and dinners lead to rising health issues and healthcare costs. Changing how people eat is the single behaviour that can have the biggest impact on their health. It can  help lose weight,reverse chronic disease, strengthen immune system and, ultimately, lower healthcare costs for companies.

We specialise in helping busy professionals integrate healthy habits for the long term, step by step, in a way that fits working life.

The result? More productive, engaged and motivated employees.

The Challenges of Healthy Eating

Today’s so-called fast food is calorie dense, additive and full of salt, sugar and fat. Thus, people are challenged to make smart food choices every day at cafeterias, restaurants and while buying impulse food at the supermarket.Have worked with numerous professionals and each one has a different set of challenges.Helping and educating them  making smaller changes in their day to day routine has led to significant improvement on how they feel at work.You will be surprised by the difference nutrition can make to your employee’s physical as well as mental health. And all it takes is a few small tweaks to make a big difference.

Core Benefits of Nutriguide iPlan

Everyone can benefit from a nutrition tune-up.  The foods we choose to eat are linked to the energy. We have to be productive in our careers, present with our families, and enjoy the activities that make us who we are.  Learning to choose the right foods, in the right amounts, at the right time is the key to feeling and performing the best you can in whatever you choose to do.  Our nutrition program focuses on food as the fuel for our lives and provides simple strategies to get the most out of every time we eat.

With Nutriguide iPlan we aim for sustainable, long-term gradual change by customising food plans for each employee and pointing individuals to the healthy options all around them — at home, at the grocery store, at their office cafe,  in local restaurants or eateries anywhere across the world.

Nutrition is not a one size fits all package. Hence, we specially focus on various job profiles like Night Shift workers, Desk Lovers, Frequent Travellers etc.

Monitoring without Meeting

Most corporate nutrition programs address nutrition as a whole only through workshops and talks. But in today’s fast paced world it’s difficult to make time for ourselves and our well-being. Regular visits and face to face meetings are not possible always. Thus, the iPlan model is designed as a flexible,digital,holistic and personalised nutrition counselling program that can be done from the comfort of home,office or anywhere in the world irrespective of location. Nutrition consultancy takes place over the phone or chat or e-mail or video call at the convenience of the employee and the Nutrition Plan is fine tuned each time based on the progress made.

We work 1-on-1 with each employee to analyse their specific needs and equip them with knowledge, insights and meal plans to help them make better choices and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Tools which help monitoring include online food journal option on  the portal,  live chat  support and  monitored  food plans which helps us to stay connected with your employee always.

When implemented effectively, employees enjoy improved productivity, enhanced morale and lesser absenteeism. The health outcomes are many, including weight loss ,reversal of lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol,uric acid and also stress resilience.

The impact can be seen in just 21 days.

Apart from increasing the overall productivity, the organisation also gets benefited by lowering the cost of health care, reduced absenteeism, Lower company health insurance premiums ,Increased Staff Retention  and overall healthier and happier workforce.

To Get Your Organisation Started On Its Wellbeing Journey, log onto or contact us at 9967635556/+32 468297949

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