18 ideas to kick off a healthier new year!!

Yipee! Its 2018 and you can feel this growing sense of excitement bubble up. And you’re all set for a fresh start with a healthy new lifestyle in mind.

So you have plans for walks, for the gym,yoga and you’re probably going to go on a detox and cutting out all sugar, gluten, dairy, alcohol and caffeine all at once.

So far…all good.

But what happens after a few weeks or a month? What happens when you’ve stayed up all night for that presentation?  What happens when your kiddo falls sick?  Or when you start missing yoga class because there’s so much to do? When you finally get home at night, and you feel too tired to cook up a healthy meal…

Of course, you get back, but you can’t shake that feeling that you’ve somehow failedIt starts to feel like a lot of effort to keep up this perfectly healthy lifestyle, and the next time life gets in the way of your resolutions, you automatically fall back into your old routine of crashing in front of the TV with your comfort food after a stressful day.

Does this all sound familiar?

While a total transformation of your body and health surely sounds appealing, too many drastic lifestyle changes at once usually isn’t the recipe for long-term success. Research proves we only have a limited amount of willpower each day. Therefore it’s much easier to focus on creating small, doable changes until it’s a part of your natural routine.

Instead of focusing on what you did from 25th Dec to 31st Jan, think of what you can do from 1st Jan to 31st Dec. To help you kickstart a healthier lifestyle without too much stress and effort, here’s my list of 18 simple habits that can make a big difference.

Clean up your mind: ‘We are what we eat’ and ‘We are what we think’. Your thoughts can positively or negatively affect you and your well-being. Be aware of what you fill your mind with. Notice the books and magazines you’re reading, the articles you’re browsing online or how the TV shows you watch every week make you feel. The goal is to spend less time with media and people that suck away your energy or create pointless drama and focus more on those who inspire and motivate you.Focus on making one change at a time and do not expect perfection (atleast for initial few days.)

Set up your surroundings for success: Sticking to new habits can be challenging since we are all creatures of habit. So how do we form better habits? You could place a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter if you want to make healthier food choices, have your running shoes waiting for you by the front door or set the alarm on your phone to remind you to take deep belly breaths and quiet your mind for 10 minutes, place water bottle on your office desk to drink enough water. Subtle changes in your surroundings will improve your health and happiness.

Periodically clean your kitchen: Go through your cabinets, pantry, fridge, and freezer. Take a look at all the foods hiding in the nooks and corners and ask yourself “will this help me achieve my goals?” If it’s not going to help, toss it away.

Eat mindfully: The next time you’re thoughtlessly gobbling your food, ask yourself: am I hungry or am I eating because I’m bored/stressed/thirsty?Mindlessly putting food into your mouth is an unhealthy eating habit and leads to weight gain. Try to be fully present when you’re eating and really enjoy your meal. Make a rule to sit down when you’re having a bite, chew slowly and notice how your food smells and tastes.Practice to stop once you feel almost full. This will also help you avoid overeating.

Wake up 30 min early to exercise or walk: A walk in the early morning sunshine helps in vit D absorption for you plus you are more likely to stick to the morning routine rather than do it after work.Yoga or simple exercises can even  done in bedroom if there’s a time,space or weather constraint.

Eat the bulk of your meals in the A.M.:  Eating your favourite high calorie dessert or fried snack earlier in the day positively influences weight changes. Gradually reduce your processed or junk food intake towards the evening hours. Thumb rule: Hearty breakfast, moderate lunch, light dinner.

Don’t eat your kid’s leftovers. Every mom does this. But please don’t!How we top up kid’s portion with more of ghee,cheese and butter? Every little bit of food adds up, especially what we call “BLTs” (bites, licks and tastes).

Floss daily: Oral health greatly affects your overall wellbeing. Practicing good oral hygiene doesn’t just protect you from tooth decay and gum disease, but it also helps clear away harmful oral bacteria that are linked to heart disease and gut problems.

Skip the fancy lattes and opt for plain coffee: Those extra-large “designer” coffees pack way too many calories. Stick to fruit smoothie,herbal tea or regular latte instead.

Spice up your food with herbs: Adding herbs and spices to your meals is one of the tastiest ways to boost your health. Not only are these seasonings packed with antioxidants and other nutrients that protect your health, but herbs and spices can also be used to replace salt and sugar in recipes without sacrificing flavour. Sprinkle cinnamon on your cappuccino, sip on a fresh mint tea, make your own tomato sauce with garlic, basil and oregano, or toss fresh parsley into your salad.

Include veggies  in your big meals: Eating plenty of vibrant veggies is a key element of a healthy lifestyle. Why not make a small effort each day to add vegetables to  your  big meals?

Thinking of how you can fit veggies into your breakfast, lunch and dinner helps you make overall healthier food choices too. Luckily, consuming more vegetables can be as simple as mixing spinach into your morning eggs or putting slices of tomato and cucumber on your regular sandwich, adding your favorite veggie to make stuffed paratha out of it, grating some carrot in dosa or idli batter.

Add In, Don’t cut out: Rigorously cutting out beloved comfort foods or activities often leaves you wanting that  even more than before. So why not focus on adding healthy habits to your routine instead of thinking about all the things you supposedly can no longer do? Start by trying one new healthy ingredient each week, that automatically leaves less space for unhealthier options.

Prep in advance: Pre-sliced veggies and fruits are a great ready to go snack whenever you need them. If you feel too pressed for time to slice your own fruits and veggies, take help from other family members or domestic help.You may involve kids too in same. Prepare dry snacks like Poha Chiwra,Murmura,Popcorn over the weekend and store them in airtight containers in office drawer to last for a fortnight.

Present your food well: One of the main reasons we love eating out is because of the way food is presented. We eat with our eyes as much as we do with our mouths. Plate your veggies in colorful crockery, or cut different colored veggies and fruits for a rainbow salad or simply garnish your food with herbs…the possibilities are endless.

Find yourself a buddy: A buddy system works well when there’s two of you working towards a common goal. It’s easier to stick to the plan when you have a friend or loved one motivating you on.

Take the time to look your best: When we look great, we feel great. Dressing well exudes confidence and happiness. Well-fitting clothes motivate you to maintain your healthy lifestyle as well.

Put yourself first: Many people (women in particular) put everyone else ahead of themselves and let their health fall by the side. Remember you can manage caring  your loved ones way better if you ensure your wellness first.

Remember: It’s not all or nothing: Give yourself time to adapt the new changes focussing on one change at a time. If you fall off the bandwagon, jump right back on. Don’t let yourself continue to fall until all progress has been lost.

To sum up the biggest factor in developing a healthy eating lifestyle is a positive, determined frame of mind.The real difference comes from telling myself, “I can.I will.” Dont focus  on weight loss but on empowering yourself to set health goals and then meet them.

You may face tough times during your journey. The key is to stay focused on your goals and you will always reach them. Always remember, “Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.”

For customized Nutrition Programs considering your age, medical history, eating habits ,food preferences, overall lifestyle and goal reach us at www.umanarula.com.

Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries you can email  on uma@nutriguide.co.in or call  on +91 99676 35556/+32 468 29 79 49.

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