7 post-party cleansing tips this festive season


Your body has all the power to cleanse itself . It just needs the supply of right ingredients. Avoid feeling bloated and queasy with these easy to follow tips during and after the festive season to purify your system.

Keep those fluids going: Fluids are key since extra salt, sugar and alcohol can dehydrate your body. Start your day with a tall glass of lemon water to flush out the pollutants from the night before.

Keep your kitchen stocked: Most of us have a habit to avoid stocking up the kitchen especially as we don’t eat at home during those days. Stock healthy snacks such as  veggies and dips, fruits, trail mixes,sprouts and nuts. That way you will eat healthy when you are hungry instead of reaching out for sweets or savouries.

Must have: Fermented foods like Idli,Carrot Kanji and yogurt balance the levels of probiotics in your tummy,and so  aid in flushing the toxins produced after metabolism of alcohol.


Focus on nutrient-dense foods: Mushrooms,broccoli,cucumber,oranges,carrots,sweet potato,pumpkin,kale are low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals,antioxidants and loads of fibre.Having a rainbow of fruits and veggies on your plate not only provides eye candy but also ensures the supply of broad range of nutrients that your body ripped off.

Breakfast hack: Make yourself a banana berry smoothie in the morning. The banana calms your stomach, while the berries will soothe. The fruits are also rich in electrolytes, magnesium, and potassium, all nutrients that are depleted during heavy drinking.

Herbal teas do help: Drinking herbal concoction (like basil,ginger, fennel, mint, or chamomile) the morning after a crazy night calms, soothes  and relaxes your stomach. Tea also works wonders on headaches and indigestion, especially when sweetened with organic  honey.

Get some shuteye: After getting to bed as the sun was rising, you’re probably surprised that you woke up just a few hours later (much to your chagrin). And why is this? The spins and other effects of alcohol interfered with your REM cycle last night. The solution is simple: if you had a late night, rest up the next day.


Hope this helps.If you have any queries feel free to reach out and I’ll gladly answer them.

 Do you know any tips to add? Let us know in the comments.

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Uma Narula is an award winning practising Nutritionist since 10 years.If you have any queries you can email  on uma@nutriguide.co.in or call  on +91 99676 35556/+32 468 29 79 49.

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